Spring Lecture Series

Broken Promises - Shattered Hopes: The Road to Wounded Knee

As Americans poured west and inundated the land and devoured resources, the plains exploded in a tumultuous firestorm of incidents and reprisals between Native American warriors and U.S. Army troops. Steve Adelson will examine the confrontations, battles, massacres, and the controversies that surround them.


Adelson is a writer and speaker focusing on the Indian Wars and Westward expansion. He has been a historical consultant, appearing on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, CBS Sunday Morning, Travel Channel, C-Span, radio shows and other media outlets.

A veteran educator of 30 years of service, he has taught graduate courses through Montana State University and the Heritage Institute. His flagship courses ‘Apocalypse at Little Bighorn’ and ‘the Bozeman Trail; Days of Thunder’ have provided a fascinating living history experience to a multitude of students.

Steve holds a B.A. in Social Studies from Pacific Lutheran University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Montana State University. He has a colorful flair as a storyteller and his writing is emotionally descriptive. Little Bighorn, Voices from a Distant Wind is his first book.

Wednesday, March 27
6:30 pm